
FBT training overview

This course is designed to train behavioral health providers and registered dietitians to deliver FBT to youth and their families.

Course learning objectives

Click on each module title to learn more

This module covers:

  • Classifications of childhood obesity and the need for evidence-based treatment
  • The traffic light system as a way of simplifying nutrition and physical activity messages
  • Energy balance and tying weight change to specific behaviors
  • Shaping families towards behavior change by using S.M.A.R.T. goals and problem solving as an individualized approach

This module covers:

  • Helping families classify foods and activity levels using  the traffic light eating and activity plan 
  • Teaching families to use nutrition labels to understand nutrient and energy density 
  • Shaping families towards decreasing red food intake and screen time early in the program 
  • Episodic future thinking as a tool for keeping families motivated throughout the program 

This module covers:

  • How parents model behavior for their children and assisting parents in becoming healthy role models 
  • The nature of behavior change in children and supporting a parent navigating challenges with their child 
  • Coaching parents to set limits or use positive reinforcements to shape a child towards behavior change 
  • The impact of the home environment on a child’s progress towards a healthier lifestyle and the importance of using stimulus control to set a family up for success 

This module covers:

  • How to build routines with your families 
  • Meal regularity and how it helps control hunger levels throughout the day 
  • Meal planning and grocery shopping for families with busy lifestyles and limited budgets 
  • Planning for physical activity and minimizing barriers for families 
  • The importance of sleep for children and outcomes on behavior 
  • Self-monitoring routines in FBT that promote behavior change 

This module covers:

  • The social facilitation model for FBT 
  • The importance of advocating for support throughout all domains of life to reinforce healthy lifestyle habits 
  • Teasing and bullying’s impact on self-esteem and directing families towards healthy coping strategies 
  • Helping families develop healthy and positive body image 
  • How emotional eating can impact parents and children and healthier alternatives to coping with hunger, anger, loneliness, and being tired 

This module covers:

  • The importance of working towards cultural competence 
  • Cultural differences regarding food 
  • Cultural differences regarding weight 
  • Why coaches need to cultivate cultural humility 
  • How social determinants of health impact health behaviors and outcomes 
  • Tips for working with families facing systemic barriers and challenges

This module covers:

  • Assisting families during a period of lapse or relapse 
  • The correlation between motivation and healthy behaviors 
  • Setting up a long-term weight control plan for a family 
  • Considerations when adjusting a child’s calories for weight maintenance 
  • Addressing concerning behavior around eating and activity 
  • The FBT program modules and outlines, as well as tips on managing groups